For specific informations click on the following links below. Feel free to contact Rev. Rita Duval.

Nursing Home

NursingHomeThe journey through difficult times is sometimes difficult to follow through. The role of a spiritual leader is invaluable. Words of wisdom, understanding and support are worthy to the soul. The last moment in life can present itself as a time of peace for certain people. For others it can be a moment of monstrous turmoil where light is shut down and the passage seems impenetrable. Pastor Rita as a certified Chaplain is willing to assist you in those times of special needs. She is a call away to bring comfort and shed light to your journey. Bless her ministry by providing the resources to make it possible for her to be there for you and others in needs.

Home Visit

Home VisitThe journey through difficult times is sometimes difficult to follow through. The role of a spiritual leader is invaluable. Words of wisdom, understanding and support are worthy to the soul. The last moment in life can present itself as a time of peace for certain people. For others it can be a moment of monstrous turmoil where light is shut down and the passage seems impenetrable. Pastor Rita as a certified Chaplain is willing to assist you in those times of special needs. She is a call away to bring comfort and shed light to your journey. Bless her ministry by providing the resources to make it possible for her to be there for you and others in needs


HospiceThe journey through difficult times is sometimes difficult to follow through. The role of a spiritual leader is invaluable. Words of wisdom, understanding and support are worthy to the soul. The last moment in life can present itself as a time of peace for certain people. For others it can be a moment of monstrous turmoil where light is shut down and the passage seems impenetrable. Pastor Rita as a certified Chaplain is willing to assist you in those times of special needs. She is a call away to bring comfort and shed light to your journey. Bless her ministry by providing the resources to make it possible for her to be there for you and others in needs.


HospiceThe journey through difficult times is sometimes difficult to follow through. The role of a spiritual leader is invaluable. Words of wisdom, understanding and support are worthy to the soul. The last moment in life can present itself as a time of peace for certain people. For others it can be a moment of monstrous turmoil where light is shut down and the passage seems impenetrable. Pastor Rita as a certified Chaplain is willing to assist you in those times of special needs. She is a call away to bring comfort and shed light to your journey. Bless her ministry by providing the resources to make it possible for her to be there for you and others in needs.


HospiceThe journey through difficult times is sometimes difficult to follow through. The role of a spiritual leader is invaluable. Words of wisdom, understanding and support are worthy to the soul. The last moment in life can present itself as a time of peace for certain people. For others it can be a moment of monstrous turmoil where light is shut down and the passage seems impenetrable. Pastor Rita as a certified Chaplain is willing to assist you in those times of special needs. She is a call away to bring comfort and shed light to your journey. Bless her ministry by providing the resources to make it possible for her to be there for you and others in needs.